Dear students and parents,

As a trustee of our new school, I want to extend a warm welcome to all of you. We are thrilled to be starting this new chapter together and look forward to building a strong, supportive, and inclusive school community.

Our goal is to provide a safe, nurturing, and challenging learning environment where students can thrive and reach their full potential. We will work tirelessly to ensure that our students receive a world-class education that prepares them for success in the 21st century. We also understand that starting at a new school can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Please know that we are here to support you and help you make a smooth transition.

Thank you for entrusting us with your education and for being a part of our new school community. We can’t wait to see all that we can achieve together.


Rohit Y. Itekar


Dear students and parents,

As a trustee of our school, I am taking this opportunity to thankyou in trusting Royal Concorde School as your childs schooling partner.

Firstly, we are dedicated to providing strong and effective leadership at all levels of the school. Our administrators, teachers, and staff are highly trained and deeply committed to helping our students succeed. They work tirelessly to create a safe, nurturing, and challenging learning environment where every student can thrive.

Secondly, we believe that culture is critical to the success of any organization. We strive to foster a culture of inclusivity, respect, and collaboration at our school. We want every student to feel valued and supported, regardless of their background or abilities.

Finally, we understand the importance of community in helping our students achieve their full potential. We encourage parents and families to be actively involved in their child’s education and to work with us to create a strong and supportive school community. Together, we can help our students succeed in school and in life.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education and for being a part of our school community.


Rakyesh Y. Itekar