Our partnership with Next Education India Pvt. Ltd has given us the necessary tools to put the newest pedagogical innovations—centered on experiential learning and delivered through cutting-edge pedagogies—into practice. The brand provides the perfect fusion of technology, pedagogy, and content through its cutting-edge SaaS-based solutions.
TeachNext is an award-winning digital classroom solution
Every classroom of Anant International Schools is equipped with TeachNext, an award-winning, state-of-the-art digital classroom solution. It is loaded with real-life scenarios and age-appropriate themes. This is our first step in enhancing our students’ learning process.
NextBooks is a complete curriculum solution for holistic, well-rounded and grounded learning
Features of NextBooks includes:
  • Integrated curriculum with an inter-disciplinary approach across subjects
  • Suits different learning styles and multiple intelligences
  • Thematic learning with easy-to-identify and relatable scenarios
  • High-quality graphics for optimal learning